Znüni News – Wednesday September 30

The autumn chilbi is traditional at this time of year, but because of corona the Lözaner Määs was cancelled. In its lieu there will be a smaller Chilbi around the Schweizerhof starting this Saturday and lasting until the 18th of October. The idea for the Luna Park taking place at the Allmend came too late and is too expensive according to the organisers, so the Schweizerhof will have to do. If you want an experience closer to the real thing you will have to go to Kriens where a Chilbi able to host up to 500 people will take place from the 16th to 18th of October.

With the fine weather and corona many more people went for walks in the wood, where ticks were in larger numbers than usual. Leading to twice as many cases of tick borne encephalitis (known here as FSME), although it usually is quite a begnin illness in some case it can lead inflammation of the brain. Luckily there is a vaccine against this, so if you are planning of going for a walk in the woods it might be worth getting the vaccine as ticks can be active until December.

Many have deplored how downtown was slowly turned into a tourist only zone in the past years. Now this strategy comes across as shortsighted, as with foreign tourists staying away and only locals to cater too, the shops (many on Grendelstreet) are finding that they have no clients and massive rents to pay. Can we hope for a reversal of position?

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