Znüni News – Tuesday 1. February

The vandalism caused by the FC Basel fans was the worst the VBL bus company has ever seen. Two bus are currently unable to be operated. The fans then attacked the police who responded with rubber bullets. On the train back to Basel, the fans pulled the emergency brake leading to delays for 24 trains. The cost of the damage is still being assessed as is the consequence to be faced by the hooligans.

A 50 year old woman was brutally beaten without reason in Emmen on Saturday night by two men who then fled without robbing her. On the same night a man was brutally beaten in Rieden by two different men who stole his jewellery and then fled. The police are looking for witnesses to these two cases.

Mandatory quarantine and home office are set to be revoked tomorrow, leading people to speculate whether the government is planning to lift all restrictions and let the pandemic run its course.

Italy no longer requires vaccinated and recovered people to also do a test when travelling into the country.

Hotels and restaurants are struggling to find enough personel. Some businesses have banded together and are now offering a two day course for people wishing to enter the gastronomy business. The course lasts two days and will help people understand what is required to work in the gastronomy field. The course is free. You can find out more and sign up here.

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