Znüni News – Monday January 9

Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a lovely holiday break and wish you a healthy & joyful 2023.

The Znüni News is back, sharing some of the local headlines and news with you.

The World Economic Forum will take place from the 16. to 20. January in Davos. People wishing to attend and who haven’t yet secured accomodation are in for a nasty shock as hotels are full and prices for holiday homes have skyrocketted. A studio for 5 days will set you back some CHF 16 000.- You can find out more about the WEF’s programme of events here.

Throughout the year new parliamentarians will be elected on a local and national level. Although it is unlikely that there will be a huge change, it looks likely that the more centrists parties (FDP, die Mitte and GLP) will gain more seats whereas the SP and SVP will probably lose some footing. This according to several political pundits. The Lucerne Parliament will have its vote on April 2. Candidates can still put their names forward until mid-January. At the last election over 800 people put their names down for one of the 120 seats in the local parliament.

Switzerland is not pulling its weight when it comes to offering infrastructures for e-cars. Currently only 16% of cars are fully electric and 8% hybrid, placing Switzerland 6th in a European ranking. Norway leads with 78% e-cars and 10% hybrid and Poland comes in last with 2% each of electric and hybrid cars. The government has approved a fund for landlords to install more electric charging stations which will be handed out in 2025. Several political parties and consumer organisations believe is too late.

Over 40 000 people have signed an initiative calling for restrictions on fireworks, after several fires were caused by fireworks, animals died due to injuries or shock from the noise as well as people being injured setting the fireworks off. The initiative will be put forward in November and, if proved successful, it will take another 3 years before it would come into effect.

That white Christmas melted away and several resorts were decidedly green over the holidays, but hope is in sight with snow falling the past few days and forecast for the coming weeks. However this has caused ski resorts to question the viablility of the concept and they are looking to improving the infrastructure for alternatives to skiing. Whether hiking or offering something different, such as Stoos which has a large indoor trampoline park that it runs over the winter months.

The LiLi Centre reopens its doors today, be sure to pop by for a coffee and a chat when you have time or check out our programmes.

Temperatures will be around 8° Celsius this week and it will be mainly windy and rainy.

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