Znüni News – Thursday March 11

The federal court has ruled that in case of divorce the woman will need to support herself financially even if she is older than 45 or the marriage lasted more than 10 years, both cases having previously been considered as reasons for a full alimony. The only exception is if she is looker after a child under kindergarten age. As soon as the child goes to kindergarten then the woman needs to support herself financially with at minimum a 50% job; previously the age of the child was set at 10 years old. The same applies if it is the man who gave up his career to look after the children, but this only is the case in 1 out of 50 marriages. This ruling is said to give more parity to couples.

Just in the canton of Lucerne nearly 10 million francs of Corona credit were claimed fraudulently by companies last year. To date 65 companies have been flagged and are being controlled.

Last year 1000 cases were brought to court linked to “Corona Crimes”. The majority (47%) have been because of people not respecting the numbers of people allowed to gather or keeping proper social distance. The rest have been for not following safety rules, not going into quarantine or self-isolation, or not wearing masks.

Speaking of masks, the department of health has released an image showing which masks are considered safe to wear or not. The surprise is that FFP2 masks are not recommended to be worn by the general public, because according to the health department, in order to be worn properly they have to be super tight and more often than not are not worn like this. Specialists are disbelieving pointing out the fact that in Austria, for example, these types of masks are mandatory in public transport.

Here is the chart with which masks are recommended.

You can find out more details by going to the governmental website.

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