Znüni News – Monday June 28

You know that moment when you are about to buy several planes for your army and you realise that it’s so much more than just about the plane? Yeah, me neither, but the Swiss government is realising that choosing between an American F-35 jet from Lockheed Martin or the Rafale from Dassault (France) is a bit more complicated than just choosing the best plane. This also has diplomatic consequences and with relations between Switzerland and Europe cooling down, buying an American plane will not improve matters between the two countries. At the same time if things are cooling down then you would want to to have a good relation with another big market, such as America. So, yes, buying some new jets is a complicated matter.

Tonight Switzerland will be playing France for a place in the quarter final of the Euro 2020. Historically this has been the end of the line for the Swiss football team, but images of David and Goliath are being branded, purpoting that Switzerland may have an outside chance of making it into the quarter finals.

On average there has been 5 times more bolts of lightning in Switzerland in the month of June than last year, in Bern it was even 10 times more (over 30 000 this year). The storms have caused over 100 million francs of damage and it is not over! This afternoon we can expect more strong rain, lightning and hail. Temperatures will drop to the low 20°s tomorrow and bring unstable weather for the remainder of the week.

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