Znüni News – Friday February 26

Who would have thought that the humble potato would make the headlines? But the pandemic effects everything, and there are 9000 tonnes of potatoes in surplus at the Frigero factory. This factory makes french fries, röstis etc.. mainly for restaurants, but as these are closed the orders have stopped. Their refrigeration area is now completely full with ready made produce waiting to be sold and they are stuck with 9000 tonnes of the humble spud waiting for a new buyer. Luckily farmers have stepped in and the spuds will be sold to them as animal fodder at a fraction of their value, but at least they won’t go to waste.

It might be feel balmy and spring like this month, but January was the wettest on record. This is actually very good news because since the drought in 2018 the underground water reserves were low, they are now back to normal all over the canton which is good news for everyone.

Accidental fires have been set on balconies in the past few days as people have brought out their bbqs and grills. Unfortunately some are faulty or do not get turned off properly causing fires to be started and whole building blocks having to be temporarily evacuated. Remember if you are bbqing, check that your bbq works properly and turn it off once you are done with it!

This weekend promises to be sunny again and the police will be out in force making sure that people are still social distancing and wearing masks and not in groups greater than 5 people. The new rules (including of 15 people meeting in the open) only come into effect as of Monday.

Enjoy the good weather safely!

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