Znüni News – Friday August 28

With the number of infections continuing to rise, (an average of 266 new cases per day this past week) Switzerland is now on the UK list of high-risk countries. The UK considers any country with more than 20 cases per 100 000 as a high risk country, Switzerland on the other hand considers countries with more than 60 cases per 100 000 as a high risk country. As of Saturday 4 a.m. anyone travelling to the UK will have to quarantine for 2 weeks.

The cantons of Freiburg, Basel-city, Zürich, Geneva, Waadt, Jura have all implemented the wearing of masks in shops, as of monday the canton of Wallis will also be requiring this.

413120 people are currently living in the canton of Lucerne, that‘s a growth of 0,9%, slightly above the national average. The reason for this growth is a bigger than normal amount of births as well as more foreigners  moving to the canton (1772 more arriving than left).

The weather is turning very autumnal with rain forecast for the whole weekend and a risk of floodings. Why not stay warm and dry by joining us at the LiLi Centre on Saturday as we celebrate our 4th birthday and take part in one of our many workshops, or enjoy a nice cider or a Sutton beer with some yummy food? More details here

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