It is a pleasure and an honour for me to briefly introduce myself to you. My name is JAMES DIXON, and I’m your tailor of choice for exclusive accessories on London’s Savile Row in the vibrant Mayfair borough.
Well, the street is not Savile Row, but Kauffmannweg, and yes, the borough is not Mayfair, but Neustadt in Lucerne. But hey, what’s the difference?
We are a small team that not only works with the same passion like our famous fellows in London, but also cares of quality and style in an equal manner. And yes, we offer bespoke solutions too – for corporates of all sizes that seek personalized gifts for their stakeholder’s appreciation.
In the field of accessories it’s our goal to design, produce and market timeless classics that we remaster carefully and that link to each other perfectly well. JAMES DIXON is our stage name and embodies exactly that.
Our customers, who appreciate beautiful design and honest craftsmanship, are sophisticated, cosmopolitan and picky. Like you!
Visit us online on or in our brand store in Lucerne (in Rotkreuz from August 1, 2021), contact us on or follow us @jamesdixonlife or #jamesdixonlife