Despite the centre being closed we continue to offer many of our regular programmes as well as some one-offs. Be sure to read on:

Monday – Stammtisch @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Stammtisch is German for ‘regulars table’ andis an informal group meeting held on a regular basis. Want to practice your German / Swiss German with a native speaker from the comfort of your own home? Join our online Stammtisch on Monday afternoons from 14:00 – 15:30!
Zoom meeting ID: 375-025-579

Wednesday – Information Coffee Morning @ 9.30 to 11.30
Do you have questions about living in the canton of Lucerne? Or are you just looking for someone who knows what it feels like to be an international resident? Are you struggling with the lock down? In all cases we are here for you with insider knowledge! Our team members Charlie & Monique will be available to answer your questions over a a cup of coffee or tea.
To join please click here and enter ‘meeting ID’ 192 512 907.

Thursday – Morning Yoga with Martyna @ 9.15 to 10.15
Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that emphasises the harmonic connection of breath and movement. The poses (asanas) in Ashtanga are performed always in the same order, which allows students to learn the sequence and focus on the internal, meditative aspects of the practice.
Our Thursday morning group continues to meet online (via Zoom) whilst the LiLi Centre is closed! If you would like to join please send an email to Martyna at to find out more!

Thursday – Café Psy – Spécial Entraide COVID-19 @ 19.00 – 20.30
Monique Pannetier, Coach interculturel, et Katia Trechsel Soboul, Psychologue FSP, ont choisi de poursuivre le Café Psy en ligne et d’offrir à la communauté francophone de Suisse Centrale un rendez-vous hebdomadaire.
En cette période où nos libertés sont limitées et nos habitudes mises à mal, nous vous proposons de prendre le temps d’explorer et de partager ensemble les ressources et stratégies gagnantes susceptibles de nous aider au quotidien.
Venez nous rejoindre pour le Café Psy – Spécial Entraide sur un thème différent chaque semaine.
Zoom Meeting ID: 168 805 629

Friday – TGIF Support Chat @ 20.00
Join us online @ 20:00 as we reflect on the past week, challenges and also have a good laugh! Zoom meeting ID: 131 278197

Saturday – Information Coffee Morning @ 10.00 to 12.00
Do you have questions about living in the canton of Lucerne? Or are you just looking for someone who knows what it feels like to be an international resident? Are you struggling with the lock down? In all cases we are here for you with insider knowledge! Our team members Lina will be available to answer your questions over a cup of coffee or tea.
To join please click here and enter ‘meeting ID’ 192 512 907.

Saturday 11 & 25 – Recovery Sharing Circle for Women @ 12.45
Join us for community, grounding and support today! Connection is more important than ever in this time of social distancing. You are not alone.
Recovery Sharing Circle for Women provides a supportive, non-judgemental space and community where women can come together and connect in seeking a healthier lifestyle.
This new facilitated group is for women who are in or seeking recovery in all areas of life and have a common desire to explore and learn, listen more deeply to themselves and others, share experiences and resources as well as have the opportunity to find and use their voice.
This is a safe haven where you will feel seen, heard and valued.
Our intention is to reduce stigma, support individual choice in how to heal and thrive through holistic pathways in order to find health, happiness and sustain long-term recovery.
To better connect, support and inspire women in the Sharing Circle to find freedom and courageous growth.
I’m hosting a virtual session on Zoom. I’d love for you to join us, reply to for more details and the link. I look forward to welcoming you.
Please Note:
By joining, you indicate your understanding that the Sharing Circle is not therapy. If you should find yourself to be in a mental health crisis, you agree to seek care and support from a trained medical professional.

Sunday 19 – Watercolour Workshop @ 16.00 to 18.00
Have you always wanted to try your hand at watercolour painting but didn’t know how to go about it.
Painter Amalia Maciuca will be leading this online workshop showing us simple techniques to use watercolours effectively.
To participate you will need watercolours, watercolour brushes and paper. If you don’t have these you can order them online here for example:
The course is free but donations to the LiLi Centre are welcome.
Please sign in to the Zoom meeting using meeting ID: 621-143-248
Our German Conversation groups and our Intensive Conversation groups are currently all full up. However if you are interested in joining the new sessions beginning in May, please contact us at

#DonateLiLi The reality is simple, our Community Centre (Lili Centre) is closed but we have moved to the ONLINE Zoom platform because the need for help to people is still out there.
On the other hand, even though we are online, we still need to pay all our taxes and rentals for space, so the struggle will be soon real, as we can’t do as much as we could before to gather the money. What do we do know? We still are supporting the community with Friday Open Talks reflecting on the current situation with Dr. Brandi, we keep up the German classes, Workshops, are planning to do JIFF Workshops for Job Seekers on how to adapt in the current situation while searching for a job, twice a week we meet people online for Information Coffee Mornings answering all the questions regarding their Integration processes and journey in Switzerland, and last but not least following all the information and translating for those who do not understand the local language and are in a need in to have a checked and safe information resource.
We are all volunteers at the center, so all the money would go for space rent to keep it open for later, programmes, online platforms and to help those who can’t cope at this moment.
Our donation page is :
Even CHF 10.- can make a difference!
Thank you to all who are part of the Centre and keeping it up for those who are in need while building their life from scratch in the new country.