Znüni News – Wednesday February 28

It looks like the city council has finally found a solution for the parking of coaches in the city. They should be rerouted to the Allmend region, which not only has enough room for many coaches but also is easily accessible from the city. This solution would free up the Schwanenplatz and the problem of having coaches parking in the old town. Fingers crossed this decision will be approved shortly.

Spring is just around the corner, no really. It might seem hard to believe but the city is already preparing for the warm days ahead and planning to not only refurbish the current 1300 benches found all around the city but add an extra 40. Soon we will be able to enjoy the sun (and warmth) whilst sitting on freshly painted wooden benches.

We all know that insurance premiums cost a lot as does any hospital stay, but did you know that the ambulance ride can be just as onerous? A person was charged CHF 2600.- for a 62 kilometre drive in an ambulance. It turns out that costs vary greatly from canton to canton with St Gallen charging the most at CHF 2144 for 50 km to Aargau charging the least at CHF 950.-, at CHF 1565 Lucerne is amongst the top 10 most expensive cantons; worth thinking about when deciding your insurance premiums.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Saying of the day: Spinnst? Are you crazy?[/perfectpullquote]

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