Znüni News – Monday March 11

If you bought salmon products from either Coop, Migros, Volg, Prima or Topshop in the last couple of weeks, it is advisable to return the product to the shop and get reimbursed. Why? because there is a slight chance that it was contaminated with the bacteria Listeriosis Monocytogenes (which causes the bacterial infection Listeriosa). The company Ospelt which produces all of the salmon products for these stores, find a 3% contamination in random testing, so are calling all packages up to number 11391 back. If you are unsure whether this affect your product you can check here or return it anyways just to be on the safe side. Last year 14 people were infected and 2 died in Switzerland.

The company Adidas is set to open offices in Lucerne with 100 jobs. It already has an office with 40 employees in Cham. With this move the company will focus on its worldwide trade.

Expect traffic chaos on the Seebrücke during one night in the week of March 25th (weather dependent). This is due to work to touch up recent renovations done to the bridge. A 3 millimeter tear has developed down the middle of the bridge and will need filling up. We will let you know closer to the date on what day this will take place.

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