Znüni News – Monday June 19.

A tragic accident caused the death of cyclist Gino Mäder during the Tour de Suisse. A collision between him and an American cyclist made the two men fall off their bikes and into a ditch next to the road. Mäder fell 30 meters and was found without signs of life, he was resucitated and then flown to hospital where he died of his injuries. The American cyclist was also taken to hospital but was released on the same day. The Tour de Suisse went on to finish yesterday with the Dane Mattias Skjelmose winning.

This weekend a referendum took place to decide on three things: giving the government the power to implement restrictions should there be a new Covid-19 wave next winter; aiming for a Zero Emission policy until 2025; and imposing a 15% tax on income for companies generating more than 750 million francs in revenue. All three referendums were approved by the Swiss voters.

210 000 visitors took part in the Zuger Jodlerfest this weekend. By all accounts it was a great success even if the Patrouille de Suisse did not do their programmed fly over after a part of fusellage from one of the planes fell during a practice fly over on Friday. Of note was the fact that the “Massed Pipes and Drums” bagpipe association was invited to take part in the procession on Sunday.

A six year old was found unconscious at a Lido in Zug yesterday afternoon. Other swimmers pulled her out of the water and began to give her CPR. After a few minutes she was able to breathe for herself again and was flown to hospital. This time of year is particularly dangerous as people underestimate the temperature difference and the risk of going into shock. We have written an article on recognising the signs of drowning, which you can read here.

The weather will continue to be sunny and warm all week, with some chances of evening rain mid-week. Enjoy!

Saturday we will be having our last big party at the LiLi Centre before the summer break. Our Midsummer Celebration has become a tradition and a chance to done your white clothes, put flowers in your hair (or join our flower crown making workshop) and enjoy some Nordic food and celebrations. Be sure to sign up soon to get your place. Skål!

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