Znüni News – Friday February 5

50 years ago today the main train station in Lucerne burnt nearly to the ground; today only the archway on the square reminds us of the style of the building. The fire was probably cause by an oil lamp left burning overnight during renovations to the roof. As we remember this fire which changed the face of Lucerne, plans are underway for further transformation in and around the train station. Lucerne is still in negotiations to have the train station extended underground and the whole area around the train station would change as a consequence, with no more traffic in front of the station but a vast park instead. None of this will see the light of day much before 2040 though.

The school holidays are upon us. Known locally as the “Fasnacht Ferien”, this year Lucerne’s fifth season will not take place except digitally and in the privacy of people’s own households. We will share a post with all the details for Fasnacht 2021 shortly.

Good news though if for you the February holidays rhymes more with ski holidays as all local ski resorts are now allowed to be open the whole week. Black runs and free riding slopes will also be open. Just bear in mind that restaurants remain closed so even if there are take-away options, there will be now really sheltered place to warm up. So dress accordingly!

UPDATE: The canton of Nidwalden has just authorised its ski resorts to offer sitting for take away and sell alcohol again.

Happy Holidays everyone! Remain safe, sane and healthy!

Friday fun: The Irish police accepted the Zug police’s challenge to dance. Who next?


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