Znüni News – Friday February 1

If you are anything like me, you are feeling a real sense of relief to have survived January and look at February as a new chapter.

Let’s start with some good news. The Swiss federal Tribunal has made its decision and the city will now have to retroactively subsidies insured families with an income lower to CHF 78 000.- for their health insurance coverage (or a part thereof), and this retroactively from 2017 through to 2019. This affects roughly 10 000 families in Lucerne and will cost the city 25 million francs. Up until now Lucerne had decided to only help out families with an income of CHF 54 000.- or less.

If you applied and were rejected then sit tight, you will be contacted by the WAS department, however if you did not apply for a subsidy but are now entitled you will be able to do so as of February 8 by going to this link.

The flu is back. But the good news is that this year’s strain is much weaker compared to previous years, so although the current statistics show that 140 people out of every 100 000 is infected. There are fewer cases needing hospitalisation. The flu season normally ends at the end of this month. So fingers crossed you won’t be affected and in case you or someone in your family is. Here is our post on the best local medicines to fight the flu or colds.

Finally, just 27 days until Fasnacht begins!

Happy February!


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