Meet Danijel Prsic – Your Serbian Representative at UBS

At UBS we value our international customers, today we would like to introduce you to our Serbian adviser.

My name is Danijel and I am Swiss with a Serbian heritage. I have just one mission: to help you reach your financial goals.

Као међународна банка у Луцерну нудимо консултације и на српском језику. Мој циљ је, да вам помогнем да постигнете вазе финансијске циљеве.

Било би ми задовољство да вас поздравим код нас.

Contact Danijel

UBS speaks many languages as do the readers of Living in Luzern. Here are some of their other international representatives:

  • Lucas Chang – Chinese
  • Patrik Burri – Spanish

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