The October 20th Election and Referendum

This Sunday is election day! Not only will the nation be voting in a new parliament (more on that further down), but Luzern has thrown in an initiative to vote on too.

This Sunday is election day! Not only will the nation be voting in a new parliament (more on that further down), but Luzern has thrown in an initiative to vote on too.

Namely giving a 1.27 million franc credit towards building a new bike tunnel under the train station. There currently are 2700 bike spaces around the train station and they are always near full. This project aims to help the vision of getting more commuters on bikes by offering up to 7000 bike spots around the train station by 2035.

Those against this motion argue that in 2035 there probably will be a new underground part to our train station so this project will only last for 10 years (factor in actual building time).

The town council is countering that this project is actually a first stage towards the underground train station, and that the tunnel will make it easier for foot passengers and cyclists to get to the trains. Of note only 400 new bike parking spaces will be in the tunnel, along way from the 7000 hoped for by 2035.

Now onto the candidates for this Sunday‘s election and if you need a quick brush up on the different parties and how parliament works read this post..

7 candidates have put themselves forward for the 2 places at the council of states. Current councillor Damian Müller (FDP) as well as Monique Frey (Green Party), Andrea Gmür (CVP), Michèle Graber (glp), Franz Grüter (SVP), David Roth (SP) and Florian Studer (no party).

A whooping 252 candidates have put themselves forward for the 9 seats in the national council, 108 women and 144 men. Obviously we can‘t go through all of them so unless you have personal favourites, we recommend that you look at which party they belong to, and vote to help shape the political balance of the upcoming parliament.

You can go find out more by going to this link and downloading the lists of all the candidates.

We will keep you updated on the results on Sunday.

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