This weekend the inhabitants of the canton of Lucerne will be voting on 5 referendums which are:
Approval of budget for Sursee Cantonal school:
The cantonal school in Sursee has around 950 pupils in 48 classes with the departments of long-term grammar school, short grammar school and technical secondary school. It is the second largest cantonal school in the canton of Lucerne. Originally, the main building from 1972 was designed for around 500 pupils. The school has reached its capacity limit due to the continued growing number of pupils. It is to be expanded to 61 classes.
This will be realized with a new building and an extension as well as renovations in the existing buildings.
The cantonal council has approved the loan 59.7 million francs for the construction of the new building and the conversion and renovation of the existing buildings by 111 votes to 0 votes and recommends that voters approve the proposal.
Attractive town centres:
The Green Party’s popular initiative calls for local roads in towns and villages to be through roads in towns and villages. Instead of serving only through
traffic, the streets in the centers of towns and villages should once again be safe and attractive places to meet. Alongside the
the Greens and the Young Greens, only the SP parliamentary group supports the initiative.
The Center, SVP, FDP and GLP parliamentary groups showed understanding for the aims of the initiative, but rejected it because the municipalities would be ignored and because the various interests involved in road construction in town centers – including and design – are already weighed up against each other today.
The cantonal council rejected the initiative by 70 votes to 30.
The anti-congestion initiative (and counter proposal)
The “anti-congestion initiative” of the Young SVP demands that the cantonal roads be expanded in step with the growing demand for motorized private transport. The aim is to avoid traffic jams congestion and ensure accessibility. The large majority of the cantonal council rejected the initiative because it unilaterally only supports car and truck traffic, while the cantonal transport and climate policy should manage mobility by cleverly linking all modes of transport and limiting the harmful side effects.
The cantonal council’s counter-proposal to the initiative, with which an efficient road network, but also the necessary flexibility in transport planning. The cantonal council and cantonal recommend that voters reject the “anti-congestion initiative”and accept the counter-proposal.
The town has two referendums.
Pilot project on basic income:
The proponents would like a 3 year pilot project where a segment of the population would receive a guaranteed basic income to answer basic questions on whether this would be a solution for the future and how it would affect the different segments of society. The opponents are saying that the pilot project would be on too small a scale and for too short a period of time to see any real consequences and urges people to vote against the initiative.
“The Määs must stay on the Inseli!”
6 years ago the people voted to turn the Inseli into a green oasis, however this would have the consequence of making it impossible for the beloved Autumn Määs from taking place downtown and it would have to be moved elsewhere. As a consequence a motion was launched calling for the Määs to stay on the Inseli and the SBB has stepped in to say that they would guarantee that even by honouring the change to a greener zone the Määs could continue to take place on the Inseli, so for once everyone is in agreement to vote in favour of this motion.
The results will be known on Sunday.