Take a bike for one year for CHF 1.-!!

The town of Lucerne is giving all residents the opportunity to rent bikes for CHF 1.- for a year! By logging into www.takeabike.ch and signing up for CHF 1.- you can then borrow a nextbike for 4 hours at a time for free until March 2018. There are 145 nextbike stations in the towns of Lucerne, Stans, Stansstad, Hergiswil, Horw, kriens, Emmen and Sursee with 608 bikes available.

Once you have downloaded the app and paid your CHF 1.- you are then free to rent and ride (the first 4 hours are free and then afterwards you are charged CHF 2.- an hour). Each user can rent up to 4 bikes at a time. What a great way to stop worrying about getting your bike stolen or where to park in our ever crowded city!

Simply register here and get started!


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