It came as a surprise to all of us here at Living in Luzern, that nearly no graduates from local international schools remain in Switzerland to study when this country not only offers excellent further education possibilities but it is virtually free! We’ve rounded up the most popular institutions available locally, to help you realise why the tertiary education shouldn’t be overlooked in Switzerland.
Here is a breakdown of what is on offer: there are 12 universities in the country in most big cities with the ETH Zürich ranking number 9 in the world university listing. There are numerous Technological and Applies Sciences schools too. In general tuition fees for foreign students are usually around CHF 1000.- per semester.
In Lucerne we are actually completely spoiled with several top class schools offering a variety of programmes.
- The Hochschule Luzern (The University of Applied Sciences and Arts) offers many interested programmes from engineering & architecture, economics, information technology, social work, music and arts & design (this programme is reputed one of the best in the country).
- The University of Lucerne offers courses in Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences and Law including Transnational Legal Studies.
- PH Luzern, is the University of Teacher Education offering programmes in teacher training, pedagogy and didactics. Their programmes go from a Bachelor degree Kindergarten teaching, to a Master in Special Needs teaching.
- The MAZ is the Swiss Journalism School, they offer journalistic, rhetoric as well as visual communication programmes.
Continuing Education
If you have decided to go to back to work and need to freshen up your skills or try something new there are several ways of doing this.
- The Hochschule Luzern offers a variety of modular programmes to brush up your skills under their continue education programme.
- Migros Klubschule is the nationwide further education school largest. Offering not only language courses, but computer, flower arrangement classes and a myriad of other skills.
- KV Luzern offer part-time courses and apprenticeships for nearly all sectors. From languages, to banking, HR, marketing and retail there is something to suit nearly everyone. The diplomas courses run on average for about 6 semesters, although there are also many non-diplomas courses available that run for 2 semesters
This article was published in our summer magazine.