Znüni News – Wednesday October 28

It is official, next year there will be no Fasnacht in Lucerne. This decision was made after a second meeting between the town and the fasnacht committees. It is simply not possible to put a social distancing concept in place for an event mainly focused on fun, drinking and revellerie, especially when there is a rule forbidding more than 15 people gathering. Should the situation dramatically improve by January then the town might reconsider, but don’t hold your breath.

What’s in a letter? When you are a political party it seems a lot. The CVP, the Christlichdemikratische Volkspartei der Schweiz have decided to take the Christliche out of their name. This has been a matter of debate for several years now but they have decided to take the plunge and reinvent themselves as “Die Mitte”, the Central Party. To seal the deal and, presumably, grow in importance they are merging with the Bürgerlich Demokratisch Partei who will also be giving their name up. This new name will come into effect January 1st 2021.

If the number of cases continue to double as forecast, then the country will run out of intensive station beds within 10 days. We are now in a similar situation to mid-March which was right before our first lockdown. The government will be making an announcement this afternoon as to what new measures are being put into place. We will share that information with you as soon as possible.

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