Znüni News – Wednesday March 8.

Today is the Women’s International Day, there will be events celebrating this taking place at the Vögeligarten between 14.00 and 19.00.

The SVP party is preparing to put forward a motion calling for cantonal roads to remain at 50 km/h even when going through towns and villages. In fact they are calling for a moratorium against allowing more 30 km/h zones. I guess they are in a hurry to get to wherever.

Although Switzerland has been criticised for not giving tanks to the Ukraine, it exported more war equipment in 2022 than ever before. In all it sold weapons to 60 countries, bringing in nearly 1 billion francs. Surprisingly Qatar was the biggest buyer, spending 213 million francs on weapons. This was in order to keep the World Football Cup safe.

Should you be scheduled to give birth by C-section in the canton’s hospital, you will be able to actually see your baby coming out of your womb via a clear plastic section of the sheet used to shield the part of the body being operated on. LUKS is now the first hospital in central Switzerland offering this possibility.

Today the Wilhelm Tell ship will be returning to its spot on the Schwiezerhofquai after a 4 week revision. as it cannot manoeuver by itself, a tow boat will have to bring it back to its spot. The restaurant will reopen to the public on March 15th.

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