Znüni News – Wednesday 26. January 2022

Lucerners rejoice, there will be a Fasnacht this year! But it will be a Fasnacht “light”, i.e. with no organised parades or processions, so no traditional Fritschi Tagwach to start the celebrations. Restaurants will be allowed to have Fasnacht celebrations with the usual 2G certificates and spontaneous gatherings in the street will be allowed. Of course, all of this could change when the government takes a look at the evolution of the pandemic beginning of February.

There is a growing call for Switzerland to announce a “freedom day” on February 2. This is being put forward by various trade associations and conservative politicians, but epidimiologists are warning against this as the peak of this Covid wave has not been reached yet.

If you got your Covid certificate prior to May 6 last year it is about to become invalid unless you have had a booster shot. This is because on February 1. the Covid certificates validity will be reduced from 365 days to only 270 days. In the canton of Lucerne this will affect 40 000 people.

Micro-plastics have now been found at both poles of the earth. Scientists have found that every year 3000 tons of micro-plastic “snow” down onto the Swiss Alps. That’s about 43 trillion pieces of micro-plastics. Remember, when you were a kid and you used to try to catch snow flakes on your tongue? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be doing that anymore…

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