People who have recovered from Covid-19 are given a Covid Certificate which is valid for 180 days versus 365 days for doubly vaccinated people. Many find this unfair which is why the federal department of health is conducting a study to see whether to extend the period for recovered patients.
As of November doubly vaccinated people will be allowed back in the USA. It will be the first time the USA has reopened its borders to non-Americans since March 2020.
Will the trading of cannabis become legal in Lucerne? This topic was already debatted in 2017 and it was decided that Lucerne would follow several cities in conducting a study on whether legalising the selling and buying of cannabis would be beneficial for the population. It seems like this topic may be on the table again in 2023 when Lucerne will join in a study with the city of Bern. Until then cannabis remains illegal.
The need for psychiatric help in Lucerne is not covered by the current psychiatric clinic in Lucerne. Patients including children often have to wait months before being able to get an appointment. Which is why the canton is looking into giving over a million francs a year to the LUPS for the creation of 17 new positions as therapists to help deal with this crisis.
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