Znüni News – Tuesday November 22.

Switzerland was shown to be an example at saving electricity, when back in September it seemingly saved 13% on its overall electricity consumption for the month, and citizens were told to keep up the good work. Unfortunately upon revising the numbers, the watchdog organisation Swissgrid says that the actual saving was 1.1% for the month of September compared to the previous year. Nothing to be particular proud about and showing that the population has not really put in much effort into energy saving.

The government has said that should there be an energy shortage, evergy saving measures will be put into place, but it won’t be until level 3 of the energy crisis before they will be strictly enforced. These would include heating home at a lower temperatures and closing down private pools amongst other measures.

The canton of Lucerne has a cat problem according to the “Network for Animal Protection”. Wild cats are doing particularly badly as a result of not being castrated or taken care of. Farmers do not castrate their animals and many people who adopted a cat during the lockdown have now just thrown them into the street to fend for themselves. Farmers do not believe in castrating the animals out of fear that they will then hunt for mice less. The farmer’s organisation agrees that there is a problem but do not know how best to deal with it.

Over 202 million packages were delivered to people’s homes last year. This is a continued growing trend and the city of Bern, has decided to create pick up points so that fewer delivery vans are on the roads and causing traffic jams. Now the city of Lucerne is looking into whether this would be a solution to having fewer cars in the city.

Temperatures are dropping this week and it’s time to get ready for winter. Read our article on the topic to be prepared for winter!

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