Znüni News – Tuesday June 7.

The war in Ukraine is probably going to lead to a massive food shortage on a world scale, Switzerland is not exempt from this and is looking at how the country can increase its self-sufficiency level. According to a governmental study eating 2/3 less meat would make a big difference as would reducing food waste by 2/3. This is because 44% of cereals produced in the country goes towards animal feed. Farmers disagree with this appraisal, saying that this would hurt the economy. Other politicians are countering that the government needs to focus on the environmental impact of food production. In any case everyone agrees that eating local produce is best both for the environment and for self-sufficiency as is reducing food waste.

Today the state council will be looking at redefining what constitutes a rape. Whereas up to now the definition is whoever coerces a person of the female sex into tolerating sexual intercourse, namely by threatening her, using violence, putting her under psychological pressure or rendering her incapable of resistance. Going forward one of two definitions will be used and the difference between the two is causing a huge debate. Should it be: “No means no” i.e. whoever, against the will of a person, performs or causes to be performed on that person coitus or an act similar to coitus involving penetration of the body; or “only yes means yes” whoever, without the consent of a person, performs or causes to be performed on that person coitus or an act similar to coitus involving penetration of the body. The difference is whether saying no is enough or whether explicit consent should be given for it not to be considered rape.

The bank holiday meant for many people travelling having to sit in long traffic jams (up to 14 kilometers in front of the Gotthard tunnel on Saturday) or braving hail storms and string winds. The rainy weather will continue for the next 3 days but the weather will be beautiful on Saturday and this is important because Saturday is the LiLi Centre’s 6th anniversary party! The party will run from 10.00 to 22.00 with free workshops for both adults and kids and amazing food. You can find out more here. Drop by and help us to celebrate. We look forward to seeing you there!

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