Znüni News – Monday June 14

Yesterday voting results showed that the conservative part of the Switzerland still has the upper hand with all environmental initiatives and laws being turned down, only the voting for the Covid-19 package and the new terror law made it through. Politicians are most surprised that the CO2 law was refused as all parties, with the exception of the SVP, were in favour of this motion. It was essential that this law be passed in order for the country to meet its zero emission target by 2050 as agreed in the Paris Climate accord. Now politicians are scrambling to find a solution where they can meet this target.

In Luzern the milder parking reform was voted in meaning that a year parking card remains at CHF 600.- and parliament still has to approve any price hikes.

25 years ago the women of Switzerland went on strike on June 14, to protest the inequalities they are faced with. Today the women of Switzerland are invited to take to the streets again and the Frauenstreik Committee of Lucerne has organised a day full of programme. It begins at 9. with a breakfast at the Volière next to the Inseli, women are invited to bring something for breakfast, beverages can be bought directly there. Then from 12. to 17. there will be various talks, poetry readings, dancing and theatre pieces at the Theaterplatz.

At 17.30. a demonstration will go through the streets starting from the Theaterplatz. Women with migrant backgrounds are encouraged to join to show that they also need to be treated as equals as they face the double whammy of often being discriminated against for being women and foreigners.

Expect balmy summer days for the rest of the week, with more chances of thunderstorms towards the end of the week.

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