Today is an important day for the relations between Switzerland and Europe. Guy Parmelin, Switzerland’s president is flying to Brussels to try and negotiate the deal which was started over 20 years and still has pending clauses. A lot of the issues have to do with rights of Europeans living and working in Switzerland, others with wage protection and with the original 1972 free trade agreement. Should these talks not lead to any breakthrough, Switzerland may find itself isolated and “punished” by Europe. Here’s hoping that Mr Parmelin, who has insisted he will no do a “Boris Johnson” (whatever that means), will be successful.
Lucerne is 2000 years older than originally planned. Yesterday divers found a wooden stake dating back to 1000 BC, better known as the Bronze age. It is thought that back then the water edge was 5 meters deeper to today meaning that the stake would have been from the original settlement. Further archeological dives are planned in other lakes in the region too.
Good news for people waiting for a vaccine.,Lucerne is receiving 16 000 doses in the coming days meaning that next weeks’ scheduled vaccinations can take place. 83 000 people in the canton are currently waiting for their first vaccine.