Znuni News – Covid 19 Update March 11

To date there are 476 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Switzerland but this number doesn‘t reflect the reality as the government has decided to only test the cases with more severe symptoms so the number probably is much higher.

If you take the bus downtown Lucerne today don‘t be surprised to see a red and white cordon separating the chauffeur from the rest of the passengers. VBL has decided to protect the health of its drivers, the front door will also not open.

Germany took the extraordinary measure of preventing delivery trucks from bringing medical equipment into Switzerland claiming that Germany needs it more urgently. Prepare to see surgical gloves disappearing off shelves as people stockpile these too.

68 000 Italians cross the border into Tessin each day in order to work. Local politicians are asking for the border to be closed but the government is countering that these people are essential to keeping the local economy going so are refusing to do so.

If you are planning to go on holiday over Easter you might want to think twice as that will coincide with the peak of the virus spreading globally according to doctors and scientists, so better wait for the last minute before making any plans.

If you thought that at least this virus was helping the climate think again. Airlines are flying up to 80% of their destinations even with empty planes so as not to lose these slots in the future. 

People are clearly traveling less by public transport though, SBB has reported a drop of 10% of passengers whilst many coach companies are cancelLing some of their routes for lack of passengers.

Covid-19 is managing to damage the global economy as well as people‘s health and unfortunately the end is not yet in sight.

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