|What’s On| May 24 – 26

From Thursday (23 May) until Saturday (25 May) there is the Burger Festival in Luzern @ Verkehrshaus Luzern (Lidostrasse 5, 6006 Luzern). Where you can enjoy a wide variety of burgers and good music! 

For more information click here

On Saturday the second day of the Gin&Rum festival runs (Friday is the first day) from 14.00 – 23.00 o’clock. On an area of ​​more than 1000m2 over 50 exhibitors show more than 1000 gin and rum. This variety is unique and should not be missed. Discover the variety of flavors of these noble products.

For more information, and to buy tickets, click here

The Mullbau Theater in Luzern (Lindenstrasse 32A) is running a children’s concert. Note, it is in German! Once upon a time, there was a fairy tale. Let’s take the Little Red Riding Hood, but suddenly a cross-eyed prince appears, and the grandmother does not like the taste of the wolf or one of the seven dwarfs organizes a ping-pong tournament. We will rewrite the fairy tale, add music, theater and lots of improvisation, we travel to a fairyland where a lot is a little different …

For more information click here

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