A warm welcome to our new partner, Marika Manzanares, a cross-cultural outdoor coach based in Lucerne. Read on to hear from Marika about how she might be able to help you.
Coaching women across cultures – guided by nature
Are you feeling stuck, unsure of your next steps in life?
Are you exhausted and overwhelmed by personal and/or professional challenges?
Are you sometimes lost in translation in your personal journey?
If this sounds familiar to you, what would you like to have instead?
Would you like to have more clarity, meaning and balance in your life?
Would you like to apply your strengths and talents in alignment with your values and beliefs?
Would you like to increase your inner peace and resilience?
Let’s go for a walk in the forest
I am Marika, a coach focused on cross-cultural sensitivity offering outdoor coaching experiences. Imagine walking through the forest, connecting with both yourself and with nature. During our coaching sessions, we will explore puzzling life questions: where to go next and how to live authentically according to your personal values and beliefs. Nature with its metaphors can be a great support in resolving thoughts going in circles while the fresh air of the outdoors will do the work as your natural stress reliever.
I was born into a German-Polish family in Germany. After living as an expat in Spain, I moved to the beautiful city of Lucerne in 2008. Today, I am co-head of a German-Argentinian patchwork family with 4 kids. Alongside my coaching practice, I am working in the Corporate World for a French multinational company. I can coach you in German, Spanish and English, and I have a good understanding of French.
My goal is to support you in unlocking your full potential for personal and professional development so that you can live your very own life with satisfaction. As a cross-cultural coach, I value and respect your uniqueness with cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Come unplug and recharge your batteries with an outdoor coaching in the Gütschwald Lucerne! With nature and me, you have two coaches in one who will be there to help you reactivate your own resources. I am truly excited to getting to know you in a free introductory meeting.
Feel free to explore more at en.naturcoa.ch or contact me directly at +41 (0)78 898 91 69