D4 Business Village Luzern Celebrates 10 Years

The official address for Living in Luzern is located at the D4 Business Village Luzern in Root. We are very thankful to have support from the D4 Business Village a la Carte offices 2 Tuesdays a month so that the LiL team can meet to make sure that we can continue to improve the services we offer the expats in Luzern.

If you don’t know about the D4 Business Village Luzern, I can tell you it is a lovely place where on demand office space (as well as long term office space) are run on a very professional level. You can also rent conference rooms and have full access to all the professional equipment you might need to make a solid presentation.

As the D4 Business Village Luzern is celebrating 10 years, we wanted to let you know about some open air performances that will be running there over today and tomorrow. Tonight there are performances at 5pm and 7pm followed by a DJ at Restaurant Fabio at 8:30pm. Tomorrow at 10am there is a talent show, a performance at 2pm and a final one 4:30pm. All entries to these events are free. Families are of course welcome.

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